Hello there, take a deep breath…that’s right, hold it in…

…5 more seconds… And breathe out.

There you go, that wasn’t too hard eh? But that’s about all I will be offering you in terms of guidance.

I’d love to pretend to be one of those mindfullness coaches but honestly I’m not fit for the role.

I’m rarely calm, or mindful. I waste hours letting my mind wander in thoughts that are (for the most part) pretty banal in nature.

Lately, I’ve come to realise that the more time I spend in thoughts, the better I tend to understand myself and my motivations — albeit, with a little conscious effort from my side.

Our culture encourages people to constantly look outside of themselves for answers. We read self help books, listen to podcasts, go to churches/temples, hire coaches, and attend seminars.

We look for so many things outside of ourselves: validation, satisfaction, permission, love. We base our happiness on factors we can’t control and our lives get filled with unmet expectations.

We’ve built a billion dollar self help industry on one fundamental premise. Somebody else, a Guru, a God, a Mentor, a Hero, a Partner or Role Model has the answers we’re searching for.

But here’s the thing :

Everything you’re searching for is within you.

My name is Reuben Rapose, and you have arrived at my textual metaverse (one that I’m calling “Seeking Within”), where I will cover a range of topics every week exploring the ideology that Most Answers We Seek Lie Within Us

I’d love to offer you one of those high-quality animated YouTube videos, but I’m afraid those are a little beyond my skill-level (also out of my budget).

What I can promise is a quick 4-minute read every monday that will make you think, and eventually seek answers from within yourself.

Energise Your Monday Mornings By Signing Up To Seeking Within’s Newsletter

( Our first newsletter is coming out on 21st Feb 2022 🥳, sign up to get your copy )

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A weekly newsletter exploring the belief that most answers we seek lie within us — Covering a wide range of topics from Philosophy & Happiness to Art & Technology


Eternally seeking the truth — sometimes by learning, sometimes by sharing, sometimes by having ambitious goals to chase. Also an Entrepreneur